COMMANDER German Elite OF TurnUp
Imperial medals
#1 Gang of Primor Vaporis Galaxy
#4 Gang of Secundo Vaporis Galaxy
#8 Skill of Duodecim Vaporis
#2 Gang of Duodecim Vaporis
#3 Grinder of Triodecim Vaporis
#2 Skill of Triodecim Vaporis
#2 Gang of Triodecim Vaporis
#6 Grinder of Sisyphus Minor
#4 Skill of Sisyphus Minor
#6 Gang of Sisyphus Minor
Latest R.I.P.
Commander German Elite of TurnUp, May 23, 2020 16:16 #
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Hunter Kamikaze after 24 hours of valliant service.
Commander German Elite of TurnUp, May 13, 2020 19:37 #
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Hunter after 29 hours of valliant service.
Commander German Elite of TurnUp, May 06, 2020 19:18 #
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Hunter after 1 hours of valliant service.
Commander German Elite of TurnUp, May 04, 2020 21:19 #
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Ultra GreenBlade after 3 hours of valliant service.
Commander German Elite of TurnUp, May 02, 2020 23:50 #
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Hunter after 6 hours of valliant service.