COMMANDER JayJayYT OF Storm Pirates
Imperial medals
#4 Grinder of Undecim Vaporis
#10 Skill of Undecim Vaporis
#2 Gang of Undecim Vaporis
#1 Grinder of Sisyphus Minor
#3 Skill of Sisyphus Minor
#1 Gang of Sisyphus Minor
Latest R.I.P.
Pressed the self-destruct button of Gemeter DX after 1 hours of valliant service.
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Hunter Kamikaze after 1 hours of valliant service.
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Hunter Debuff after 4 hours of valliant service.
Astrolax 2g (lvl 10) destroyed by Pickelhaube after 22 hours of valliant service.