COMMANDER cpinpon OF Les Gentlemen
Imperial medals
#5 Gang of Alpha 0.30
#8 Gang of Secundo Vaporis Galaxy
#7 Gang of Tertio Vaporis Galaxy
#6 Gang of Quatro Vaporis Galaxy
#5 Gang of Cinquo Vaporis Galaxy
#9 Grinder of Sixo Vaporis
#1 Gang of Sixo Vaporis
#6 Grinder of Septo Vaporis
#3 Gang of Septo Vaporis
Latest R.I.P.
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Gunz after 11 hours of valliant service.
Astrolax 2g (lvl 10) destroyed by Pickelhaube Minuteur after 11 hours of valliant service.
Astrolax 2g (lvl 10) destroyed by Gunz after 14 hours of valliant service.
Astrolax 2g (lvl 10) destroyed by Hunter after 2 hours of valliant service.