COMMANDER melcol OF Defyant
Imperial medals
#6 Grinder of Novem Vaporis
#7 Skill of Novem Vaporis
#2 Gang of Novem Vaporis
#1 Grinder of Decem Vaporis
#4 Skill of Decem Vaporis
#2 Gang of Decem Vaporis
#2 Grinder of Undecim Vaporis
#4 Skill of Undecim Vaporis
#4 Gang of Undecim Vaporis
#8 Grinder of Duodecim Vaporis
#1 Skill of Duodecim Vaporis
#5 Gang of Duodecim Vaporis
#6 Grinder of Triodecim Vaporis
#3 Skill of Triodecim Vaporis
#6 Gang of Triodecim Vaporis
#1 Skill of Sisyphus Minor
Latest R.I.P.
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Hunter after 89 hours of valliant service.
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Wasp after 10 hours of valliant service.
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Gunz after 17 hours of valliant service.
Gemeter DX (lvl 10) destroyed by Hunter after 34 hours of valliant service.