Ships and skills for update 0.18!

Posted by Erhune over 10 years ago

We thought this update would be a small one. We were wrong! Feature after feature, we now have a whole festival of new things waiting for you the test session of May 17 12:00 GMT!

Two new ship variations

On May 10, we partenered with and created two new Gemeter variations during an epic 4h live dev stream all in English!

Gemeter Hussar has been created specially for the Polish community of, with the help of their readers. Its characteristics and the way to build it are identical to the Imperial Gemeter, but thanks to its unique skin, Polish players will be able to recognize each other, and create powerful Polish-speaking battalions of hussars ready to dominate the universe! smile

Gemeter Fox is a ship we've announced a long time ago. It is a pre-order bonus to all who pre-order Gangs of Space during the Alpha. This is a Gemeter-class ship, pretty close to the basic Gemeter R ship that is available though research or Medals. Except for its Firefoxy orange-and-blue colors, its main feature are its guns' placement that will make it shoot narrower than its Gemeter R counterpart. It cannot be upgraded through research, but it available for construction for 1000 DNA only in the Motherbase.

And now, what new ships could arrive in the Gangs of Space universe?

A new skill system

A few months ago, Krayn (from the webTV "LFG") suggested to "add spells to diversify the gameplay". We gave the idea lots of thoughts, and have been working since then to adding this new mechanic.

The system is pretty simple. Every ship, except Imperial models, will have between 1 and 3 skills. These skills work a bit like active items which would be "embedded" in the ship once for all. To use them, you need to affect them a Crew. The higher the level of the crew (from 1 to 4 stars), the more effective the skill will be.

For now, we have implemented 4 skills:

  • Rapid Fire for Gemeters (R, Fox, SX). It uses energy to fire a burst of fires at high firerate.
  • Hedgehog for Abysses (R). It uses energy to fire 3 volleys of radial shots. These won't get damage multipliers like the regular Abyss shot, but they cover a big part of the screen.
  • Big One for Bahmuts (R). It uses energy to launch a huge missile with boosted damage, explosion, speed and range.
  • Eraser for Astrolaxes (R). It uses energy to instantly erase all enemy shots around it.

The Aurora skill is not ready yet, since we want to change a bit the gameplay of this ship before that.

Also, higher-level ships (like the Gemeter SX) will have more than 1 skill, so be excited for more skills to arrive in future versions!

Reworking the ship UI

In order to make those new skills easily usable, and also to answer many of your complains and suggestions, we've reworked a number of interfaces:

  • The multi-usage slot bar has been replaced by a more-classic system of shortcuts. They will display the equipped items, up to 4 shortcuts, and up to 3 skills.

  • The ship inventory is now divided in 3 parts. From left to right: the former Ship Info panel, the equipment & shortcuts panel, and the former Ship Inventory panel. All items are now managed from here.

  • The life bars for players have been made a bit more readable, and now display the energy level in addition to the structure and shield levels (now, you'll know why your Astrolax-friend is not healing you sweat_smile ). These bars are still optinal, and need to be enabled in the settings (F10).

  • The login screen has been redesigned... well... designed, should we say. No more "programmer art" there!

  • And at least, all the shortcut icons (on top and bottom of the screen) are now smaller and more easily identifiable.

Patch Notes

But there are a lot more to see, and as with any other patch, you can see the whole list by reading the complete Changelog.

Thanks to the community!

Your feedback is getting more and more constructive, now that you understand the game more and more. Each new session is the occasion to read very instructive messages from all of you, which guide us to change Gangs of Space and make it a better game.

Thank you everyone for helping us make an ambitious and independant MMO that will give you - we hope - lots of satisfaction and fun!




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Ended: November 1, 2022
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PlayerSector Points
#1Save Game 1992 Save2,397,244 SP
#2Storm Pirates JayJayYT863,109 SP
#3UNS Jakala184,944 SP
#4I go Solo Joe Void141,546 SP
#5imdie 0406129,064 SP
#6Acrylic Dream Genetic124,294 SP
#70O0 Empty106,890 SP
#8Acrylic Dream Strega92,580 SP
#9Mew gang FOXYN1GHT82,800 SP
#10Acrylic Dream rymeilema61,387 SP


PlayerSector Points
#1Save Game 1992 Save32,987 SP/h
#2Acrylic Dream Strega24,139 SP/h
#3UNS Jakala19,570 SP/h
#4Storm Pirates JayJayYT19,230 SP/h
#5TurnUp German Elite16,818 SP/h
#6Acrylic Dream rymeilema16,356 SP/h
#7Hello Charlotte free cookies14,669 SP/h
#8imdie 040611,108 SP/h
#9Oblivion CaptNight3 V310,871 SP/h
#10I go Solo Joe Void9,264 SP/h


GangConquest Points
#1Save Game 1992 Save Game 19921,212,638 CP
#2Storm Pirates Storm Pirates352,668 CP
#3Acrylic Dream Acrylic Dream163,820 CP
#4UNS UNS161,461 CP
#5imdie imdie90,963 CP
#60O0 0O086,454 CP
#7I go Solo I go Solo74,957 CP
#8Mew gang Mew gang66,362 CP
#9Flying Dutchman Flying Dutchman59,475 CP
#10GoS Forever GoS Forever45,371 CP